Category : editor

Introducing BoostMySocials

Nobacklog is very excited to introduce a new feature to our service; BoostMySocials.With a simple se.. [...]

Editor Jason Williams

Selecting music for your wedding films

Music plays a vital role in creating a beautiful and memorable wedding film. The soundtrack provides.. [...]

Editor Jason Williams

Hiring an editor for your wedding film production

Are your delivery times stretching out to 6 months or more?Are you getting angry emails from disappo.. [...]

Editor Jason Williams

Preparing your wedding video files for outsourcing

Creating a streamlined and repetitive approach to arranging your wedding video files is key to enhan.. [...]

Editor Jason Williams

5 reasons why studios outsource their wedding video editing

1. Studios book more than they can editThings are going great ? couples are loving your films, you?v.. [...]

Editor Jason Williams