Hiring an editor for your wedding film production | Nobacklog
Editor Jason Williams

Hiring an editor for your wedding film production

Are your delivery times stretching out to 6 months or more?

Are you getting angry emails from disappointed customers?

Are you frustrated with how much of your time is devoted to editing?

Are you saying no to work because you know you can’t possibly edit another project?

It might be time to hire someone to assist you with your wedding video production. There’s probably a lot of questions running through your head at this point:

  • Will they work from my studio or home?
  • Do I need them full time or part time?
  • Would a per-project basis work better?
  • How much will it cost to employ them?
  • Is it smart to pay them an hourly rate?
  • Will I need to train them?
  • What happens if they leave; do I need to start all over again?
  • Is there enough room in my package price to hire someone to edit for me?
  • If they don’t work at my location, how will I get them files? 
  • What if I get busy – will they keep up with all my work?
  • How do I find someone online? How do I trust them?
  • Will they keep my details confidential?
  • Will they be consistent and deliver on time?

Here’s what we think you should consider when looking for an editing partner:


1. It may be better to work with an editing studio, rather than an individual editor.

There's lot of ways in which working with a studio is different to engaging a freelancer or employee. The Nobacklog studio provides a fully-fledged team with client support, production managers and editors. This means you'll get your edit when we promise, there are backup editors if yours is unavailable, and we'll go that extra mile to get the job done!

Studios have a streamlined, scalable and efficient process for delivering films consistently and with redundancy in mind. If your freelance editor is sick for a week, or finds a higher-paying client – you may run into some issues.

Nobacklog is ready straightaway to get started on your productions – no training required! There’s a straightforward process that allows our team to learn about your studio so we can deliver products that meet your individual requirements. Our unique system allows the team to learn your preferences and deliver work consistently and reliably.


2. Avoid paying an hourly rate.

The entire idea of moving away from editing is to reduce your stress and workload. If you’re constantly check in on and editor to see if they’re meeting targets and using their time properly, you haven’t really achieved a streamlined post production. Employ on a per-project basis instead.


3. It’s not just about the editing

Yes, the quality of the editing is paramount and a vital part of your decision in choosing an editing partner. However, truly streamlining your post-production means looking beyond just the quality of the final product.

Nobacklog provides a Dashboard so you can easily book and track the status of your projects. SmartReview allows you to quickly and effortlessly provide feedback. MyEditor pairs you with one or two editors, so you receive a consistent edit across multiple projects. BoostMySocials streamlines an important part of your marketing activities. Pre-Book allows you to reduce turnaround times which means more happy couples!

Nobacklog also provides lots of other selections and services that allow you to streamline your post-production to increase your businesses profitability. Pre

If you’re looking for innovative new ways to grow your wedding video business and spend less time in front of the computer, Nobacklog has the solution. 

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