New Service from Nobacklog: Rough Cut edits | Nobacklog
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New Service from Nobacklog: Rough Cut edits

Rough Cut edits allow you to start the creative editing process refreshed and energised. The tedious task of culling through hours of footage has been completed for you, so you can get straight into assembling a beautiful Highlight Film.

The majority of wedding video studios are offering a Highlight Film to their couples, including the best moments from the day, creatively pieced together to take the viewer on journey.

Most Nobacklog customers utilise our service to edit their Highlight Films, in addition to Long Form chronological films that cover key events on the day. Your Nobacklog editor carefully studies your films in order to replicate your studios style, to ensure we deliver the look, feel and other elements that make your films unique.

However, studios might be hesitant to outsource the full process of creating their Highlight Films, because they are seeking to retain 100% creative control and reduce costs.

To address these concerns, we’ve introduced the new Rough Cut service, which includes:

  • Organising of your project file and assets to your preferences
  • Looking through all footage and pulling the best, culled and clipped footage into a Highlight Film draft timeline, which is about 2-3 times the duration of your selected Highlight length
  • Optional upgrade called “With Story” to include your editor carefully listening to letter readings, the ceremony and reception speeches. They will pull the best dialogue snippets into the timeline, allowing you to piece together a story without having to listen through the day again. Your timeline will be split into two sections. After B-roll footage, the selected sections of dialogue will be placed at the end of the timeline. For a 4 minute Highlight, you could expect 8-15 minutes of dialogue clips to be included.

There are several key benefits to using the Nobacklog Rough Cut edit service:

  1. You’ll save hours of time, no longer having to look through all of the raw footage from the day
  2. Start your creative editing process with a clear mind, with all of the laborious shot selections complete
  3. Maintain full creative control of the edit by piecing together the story yourself
  4. Free up your time to work on other areas of your business including marketing and sales
  5. Increase your studio revenue by using this saved time to film other events

At the time of writing, the cost of ordering a 4 minute Highlight Rough Cut with story is only $208 USD. Studios can spend anywhere from 8-15 hours creating a rough cut in-house, so when condering the affordable rates from Nobacklog, and the opportunity cost of other events you could be involved in, there is a compelling financial case to outsource this work.

Keep in mind, because we’re not creating a polished final Highlight Film, music selection, colour grading and rendering services are not completed, relevant or available to our Rough Cut service.

If you’re new to outsourcing your wedding video editing, or thinking about adding a Rough Cut to your next booking with Nobacklog, we’d love to hear from you!

Jason Battista

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