Selecting music for your wedding films | Nobacklog
Editor Jason Williams

Selecting music for your wedding films

Music plays a vital role in creating a beautiful and memorable wedding film. The soundtrack provides a sense of personality, anticipation and excitement. It determines the different moods and journey you’re taking the viewer on throughout the duration of the film.


As a result, as any editor knows, music selection can often be one of the most challenging parts of the wedding post production process. Studios need to balance the interests of the wedding couple, along with their personal shooting and editing style, plus licencing requirements.


There’s lots of great websites to legally licence songs for your wedding film productions. Some of the big names include MusicBed, FyrFly, Soundstripe and Premium Beat.


Nobacklog provides songs from MusicBed (membership library) free of charge with our productions. That’s right, unlimited MusicBed songs within your edit at no additional cost. We’ll provide the SyncID so it’s easy for you to authenticate the licence on sites such as YouTube.


As a Nobacklog client, there’s a few options when it comes to music:

  1. Provide us music, for both the short and long films we edit for you
  2. Provide part of the music
  3. Ask us to select music for you

If you provide us all of the music, it’s useful to provide non-watermarked music, ready to go straight into the project. If songs that you provide do have watermarks, we’ll include them anyway, and you can replace them later if both you and the client are happy with their inclusion in the film.


Some studios that use the Nobacklog service opt to provide music selections to us for just the short films. The short films are often the most important part of the service for the wedding couple, and studios that use the Nobacklog service might like to dictate precisely what songs are utilised for this film. The long form film might not be as important, so you may like to provide a library of music that you’ve selected for us to utilise where we think it works best in the long film. Alternatively, we can select and provide songs for the long form film through MusicBed.


Your final option is to allow your editor at Nobacklog full control of the music selections for your production. By providing us your login details for membership websites with unlimited downloads, we can select from sites you are registered with. We’ll never purchase music on your behalf. If you don’t have a membership with a site, take advantage of our offer to include free music from MusicBed in any production.


MusicBed has a huge range of amazing songs for wedding films!


Want to learn more about selecting music for your wedding films? Check out this amazing video series by WhoisMatt:

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